Independent evaluation of volume and quality of lumber is an efficient mechanism, which is used worldwide. It protects rights and interests of both the state and the agents of commerce.
Inspection prior to loading is important for jus because it prevents:
Incomplete delivery of lumber
Delivery of lumber that does not meet requirements of contracts, technical regulations, standards, technical conditions
Breech of transportations conditions of goods
Outflow of capital and the tax and duties deficiency in the state budget
Main principles of inspection prior to loading:
Independence of companies carrying out inspection prior to loading from the state and agents of the market
Objectivity of the inspection prior to loading conditioned by the use of identical procedures and evaluation criteria and by barring discrimination against any agents of the market
Reliability of the inspection which is ensured by:
Conducting of the inspection in compliance with technical regulations, standards specified in agreements (contracts) signed by agents of the market or, in case of absence of agreements (contracts), with international standards
Professional skills and competence of inspectors
Effective testing, monitoring and measuring equipment as well as certified inspection methods
Openness of work, providing of all relevant information about current legislation, standard legal matters of the Russian Federation and the results of the inspection for the declarant
Confidentiality in regards of commercial information of the declarant
Independent evaluation of volume and quality of lumber protects your rights and interests.